Health Sector
For networks in the Health Sector, our mapping services are just what the doctor ordered. You got into this business to help people, not spend hours getting frustrated with maps. We show the same care and dedication to our craft as you do, so rest assured you're in good hands. And with the health sector making up around 20% of all Vision subscriptions, your peers think the same too!
Before and After Using Atlas Mapping
Explore the wealth of market data available in Vision to help your business make decisions.

Your challenges
You want to deliver the highest quality care which means you need to spend as much time as possible with your customers.
You are looking for more carers or nurses in an industry with alarmingly high staff turnover.
You need to find an efficient way of expanding without being overstretched and compromising customer care.
Fun(ish) Fact:
There’s an interesting connection between these two target audiences. As you might expect, customers tend to be from a wealthy and older demographic. While many nurses and carers are younger and come from less affluent areas, a surprisingly significant number also come from the same demographic as those wealthier, older customers.
We have been delighted at the level of value that Vision has brought CareYourWay. Through seamless understanding of our model, Vision has supported us in turning a local home care provider into a national franchise. The statistics are well-received by all of our prospects, and we can see the level of value our mapping provides our franchise partners. Thank you to the team at Atlas Mapping.
What we offer
Creating a tailored service for each client, we provide the insight that lets you know where to find the people you’re looking for.
Better still, we can pinpoint the nearest referral partners such as doctors, dentists and hospitals. Even better than better still, we can tell you what your competitors are getting up to, and where.
We’re all over this kind of stuff like the proverbial rash. Every six months, we draw out a database from leading health organisations in the UK such as CQC, HIS, HIW and we plot them in Vision.
Knowing where every single health sector organisation in the country is operating, we can then overlay area demographics and affluence factors so you always see the bigger picture.
Expand with confidence

Identify new customers

Find new staff

Proactive decision making

Happier team

Better customer care

Tendering for work?
New business is the lifeblood for any client in the health sector. To help give you the edge in
the pitching process, we marry up the local authority areas (in the UK) or counties (in the US) because the health sectors and local governing bodies very rarely, if ever, use postcode or zip code geography for their planning.
These organisations have their own boundaries which we can overlay on top of postcode geography and your own local admin areas. This extra know-how helps give your tender process scalpel-like precision and also informs how you’ll divide up the work if you win it.

Expertise in the US
We have all of the data you would expect for companies in your sector, like the latest American Census and estimated income level data from the American Community Survey.
We offer the same service as we do in the UK, delivered through Vision so, all the facts are there at your fingertips with a quick ‘point and click’.

Ready to realise your full potential?
Give us a ring, drop us an email, or fill in the form below to contact us.